Centre Dentaire Salaberry Logo
Centre Dentaire Salaberry Logo

Tartar (Calculus)



A hard film formed on the tooth, caused by a plaque that was not brushed away. Tartar can be brown or white and settles at the root or gum line of the tooth.


  • Tartar (when plaque is not brushed away, tartar a calcified dental plaque is created);
  • Cavities;
  • Gum disease.


  • Regular dental scaling and cleaning, every 6 months (more frequent appointments may be required for diabetics or HIV positive patients.


  • Daily dental hygiene, that includes brushing and flossing after every meal;
  • Regular dental exams, every 6 months;
  • Regular dental scaling and cleaning, every 6 months;
  • A low sugar diet & avoiding sugary snacks (replace by healthier alternatives);
  • Ask your dentist if the application of a sealant is appropriate. A sealant is a thin layer applied by the dentist that covers and protects the grooves of the teeth, where plaque usually strive in.

For an appointment please call: CDS (514) 333-3360 or E-mail us.
*(Voicemails will be answered ASAP.)

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