Centre Dentaire Salaberry Logo
Treatments a
detailed approach


Our wide array of treatments allow patients to have a complete and satisfying experience. Click on the images or links below to view some explanations on our most popular products and treatments.

    Teeth Whitening
    (Zoom Whitening)

    • Bleaching (home-based)
    • Cosmetic Dentistry
    • Cleaning
    • Crowns & Bridges
    • Dental jewelry
    • Dentures and Partials
    Emergency Dentist
    • Examination
    • Extraction
    • Fillings
    • General dentistry
    • Grafts
    • Gum treatments
    • Dental Implants
    • Inlays/Onlays
    Invisalign Treatment
    Lumineers Porcelain Veneers
    • Mouth guards
    • Orthodontic services
    • Prosthetics
    • Root canal
    • Sealant
    • Veneers
    • Wisdom teeth extraction

For an appointment please call: CDS (514) 333-3360 or E-mail us.
*(Voicemails will be answered ASAP.)

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