Centre Dentaire Salaberry Logo
Centre Dentaire Salaberry Logo

Cavities (Tooth Decay)


When carbohydrates (sugars and starch) are eaten and are not brushed away, the bacteria grows and transforms carbohydrates into acids. The bacteria, the acids, the food residue, and the saliva creates dental plaque, which softens the enamel and the dentin of the tooth, creating a cavity.

Three factors play a role in the formation of a cavity:
  • Heredity;
  • Hygiene;
  • Type of food.


When the cavity has only affected the enamel, pain is minimal or even absent. As tooth decay approaches the pulp (near nerve), sensitivity to cold and hot is felt. Eventually pain becomes unbearable as the decay grows deeper in the tooth.


If not treated, a cavity formed by decay grows to reach the pulp and eventually destroys the tooth structure creating an infection which in turn causes an abscess.


  • Small cavities can be treated with fillings;
  • Larger cavities require root canal followed by a crown;
  • Dental extraction is required when decay has destroyed the majority of the root.


  • Regular brushing of teeth to eliminate dental plaque;
  • Daily flossing;
  • A low sugar diet;
  • Bi-annual dental exams with your dentist;
  • Perform an X-rays to diagnose a cavity in its early stages.

For an appointment please call: CDS (514) 333-3360 or E-mail us.
*(Voicemails will be answered ASAP.)

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